Pursuant to the provisions of article 93.d of the Spanish Corporate Enterprises Act, it is hereby notified that on 28 February 2024, the Board of Directors of Tendam Retail, S.A. (the “Company”), in accordance with the provisions of article 277 of the Spanish Corporate Enterprises Act, approved the distribution of an ordinary interim dividend to be paid against distributable profit for the current financial year, in cash, for a total gross maximum amount of 55,311,490.38 euros, at 0.0356 euros gross per Company share outstanding (taking into account that the Company’s share capital at the date of this resolution is divided into a total of 1,553,693,550 shares with a nominal value of 0.055 euros each).

The amount corresponding to treasury stock held on the payment date shall be attributed proportionally to the remaining shares outstanding.

The gross amounts payable shall be subject to any withholding tax required by the applicable regulations.

The maximum amount to be distributed through the ordinary interim dividend approved shall not exceed the profit obtained since the end of the previous financial year, after deducting the losses corresponding to previous years and the amounts that must be allocated to mandatory reserves either by law or in accordance with the articles of association, as well as the estimated tax liability payable on said profit.

Payment of the ordinary interim dividend shall be made in a single payment through Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. (“BBVA”), which has been designated by the Company to act as the paying agent (the “Agent Bank”) as of today, the 28th of February 2024.

The Agent Bank will pay each of the depositary banks where the Company’s shares are held the total amount payable to all shareholders whose shares are deposited with each of them, via bank transfer. Each depositary bank will subsequently credit each of the shareholders who has their Company shares deposited with said bank for the individual amount corresponding to the number of shares held by each shareholder as a dividend payment.

Shareholders whose shares are not deposited with the Agent Bank or another depositary bank must attend the Company’s registered office within two (2) months of the 28th of February, 2024, to request payment via personal cheque of the amount corresponding to the number of shares held, upon accreditation of ownership (in the form of multiple registered securities, public deeds, sale certificates or another form of accreditation) or of identity (provided the shareholder is registered in the Company’s Shareholder Register).

Any amounts which, for any reason, cannot be paid to the shareholders within the deadlines and in accordance with the procedures stipulated, shall be held and made available for payment to shareholders in an account held in the Company’s name with the Agent Bank.

In Madrid, on the 28th of February 2024. The Non-Director Secretary to the Company’s Board of Directors, Ms. María del Mar Oña López.

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