Our team

We believe that talent is what adds value to our teams, and we want them to be diverse and multicultural. Our aim is to provide an environment free of discrimination to all employees so that our efforts can help create a more inclusive fashion industry. 

Shop employees
Employed at corporate headquarters
of team members are women

Our corporate culture fosters an environment where our employees have equal voice, representation, and opportunity.

Selection process

We promote the values of equality and diversity from the selection when first meeting people who might join our team, fostering a culture that includes and embraces diversity and guarantees non-discrimination. 


We have implemented a series of programmes to train our employees in such issues as work-life balance, intergenerational leadership, team diversity management, inclusive language, and equal opportunity.  

Career growth

We strive to empower talent by offering all our employees the opportunity to grow and enjoy great careers.

We take care of our people

We safeguard the health, safety, and well-being of our employees. We have a Health and Safety Policy for all our workplaces covering 100% of the workforce.  
Our BE!HEALTHY health and wellness programme aims to have a positive impact on job satisfaction and motivation. Be!Healthy was created in the understanding that job performance depends heavily on physical and emotional well-being.

Talent management

Our employees are our greatest asset. We strive to attract and retain the best talent and emphasise training, growth, and advancement. 
Properly managing the diverse talent we have means having a solid strategy and good management mechanisms in place.

Bringing in young talent

We strongly support young talent. We are continually looking for people who are strongly motivated to learn our business, committed to responsible fashion, and willing to share our business values and vision. We work with some 300 officially accredited job training institutions, public entities, and social organisations to help bring talented young people onto the job market. 

Internal promotion

We believe in the potential of our employees and provide career opportunities for those who want to learn and grow with us. We have set up Be!Talent, an e-learning based training and development portal to be able to reach a larger number of employees.  

Many of our managers and team leaders have gained their positions through internal promotion. 


Equality, inclusion, and diversity

We work towards an inclusive, diverse society with equal opportunities for everyone, everywhere.


Our commitment to equality is underpinned by a number of tools:

  • Second Equality Plan 
  • Internal guidelines for using images of women 
  • Inclusive Language Guidelines 
  • Equality Officer
  • Sexual harassment prevention policy 

No barriers

As part of our approach to diversity, inclusion, and equal treatment and opportunities, people with disabilities are welcome on our teams. 

As an equal opportunity employer, we promote training and awareness programmes with the aim of encouraging the incorporation of people with disabilities into our workforce. 

Social inclusion 

Providing jobs is the most effective way to avoid the social exclusion of vulnerable people and disadvantaged groups.

Work dignifies people, and giving them a job opens the door to equal opportunities for them to become part of a more inclusive society.

The company has been awarded the Diversity Leading Company 23 award as a leading company in diversity and inclusion, and has obtained the Empowering Women’s Talent 23 seal for its commitment to female talent.

Social commitment

We believe that each and every one of our employees can help both us as a company, and they themselves as individuals, make a difference in the societies where we do business, and contribute to a better world. This is why we undertake projects with an impact on the 2030 Agenda’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

Corporate volunteering

Because we are engaged, ‘We Volunteer’ [Somos Voluntarios]. This is precisely the name of our flagship corporate volunteering programme focusing on two core areas: the integration of groups at risk of exclusion and environmental protection. As part of our engagement with corporate volunteering, we hold an annual Tendam Solidarity Week each year.

Social impact projects

The group’s various chains have expanded their Social Action programmes and are involved in projects that help make a contribution to society. These include Cortefiel’s commitment to children with disabilities through the Cadete Foundation, Slowlove’s alliance with the Manantial Foundation to promote mental health, and Women’secret’s Si me Importa [Yes I care] project, which has been involved in the fight against breast cancer for more than 10 years.

Donating textile goods

True to our commitment to the environment and to people, throughout the year we donate textile goods to foundations and NGOs to help them obtain the financial resources they need to be able to achieve their goals. 

The Involucrados Project

In 2005 we started ‘Involucrados’ [Involved], a call for both national and international anti-poverty, anti-marginalisation social and job inclusion projects open to non-profit organisations that fulfil the entry requirements.  
Each year, a panel composed of representatives of the different brands and our partners in the project (NH Hoteles, DHL, Lealtad Foundation, ID Logistics) selects four projects to benefit from the proceeds of our charity raffles.


January 31

Call for entries

February 28

Deadline for entries

April 3

Publication of the entries selected

We collaborate with:

Human rights

Creating fashion that matters is not only about making environmentally responsible apparel but also about fostering respect for human rights throughout the entire value chain, ensuring fair working conditions and providing safe, healthy, and dignified working environments for all people.

Sustainability and Human Rights Committee

The Executive Committee is responsible for supervising human rights affairs at Tendam and has delegated management and monitoring of these matters and compliance to the Sustainability and Human Rights Committee. This Committee acts in coordination with the Ethics Committee in managing the Company’s Ethics, Enquiry, and Complaints Line and in ensuring compliance with the Code of Conduct.

Human Rights Policy

Approved in 2022, our policy addresses the human rights of the people who directly and indirectly make up our value chain. 

Other internal human rights-related procedures

  • Employee Code of Conduct 
  • Supplier and Franchisee Code of Conduct 
  • Responsible Purchasing Policy 
  • Due diligence and auditing of third-party relationships 
  • Communications Officer Guidelines 
  • Responsible Manufacturing Standards for Workers
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