Product sustainability

When we speak of product sustainability, we are referring to the impact of products on the environment, that is, their impact on the people who make, distribute, and buy them and their impact on the planet.  We are aware of the challenges we face. So we understand that this journey requires long-term commitment and humility.

Supply management

Working closely with our suppliers is key to extending the Group’s values and principles throughout the supply chain. We promote responsible management of sourcing operations, including product quality measures, chemical management and control, inspections and audits, ensuring respect for human rights, and more. This is underpinned by a framework of policies and standards to assure an understanding of and compliance with our standards of ethical behaviour towards employees and the environment.

Ethical compliance standards

All our contracts with our clothing and accessory suppliers include compulsory environmental, labour, and human rights clauses. 

All our suppliers must follow our External Code of Conduct based on the principles of the United Nations Global Compact and the International Labour Organisation.  

In 2021 we signed a Global Framework Agreement with the UGT and CC. OO. trade unions and their global federations that entitles them to, among other things, visit suppliers’ workplaces and see how they operate.

Quality and chemicals

We perform quality, certification, and compliance checks and comprehensive monitoring of factories, their operational processes, and their sustainability policies and protocols on an ongoing basis. 

We are firmly committed to eliminating all hazardous substances from our supply chain. We continuously verify compliance with our requirements through end-product testing. We have been a member of the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) alliance since 2021 and support the Roadmap to Zero initiative.

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